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A high-performance workforce is essential for growth.
Use our extensive research, experience, and focus to uncover opportunities you might overlook. Through a true partnership, we can collaborate on a strategic focus, tie training strategy to business strategy, and provide customised solutions to deliver results at any or all levels of your organisation.
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Strategic HR Discipline & Best Practice
This Discipline & Best Practice deals with the emerging trends and effective practices in all functional areas of human resources. It is concerned with people issues and activities that affect the behaviour of individuals and their contribution to the goals of the organisation. Strategy and organizational design, as well as the people, process, and technology aspects. Our reports, case studies and solution provider profiles will help you understand the processes, approaches, and systems that bring an integrated view of workforce needs, and across HR and the business.
Strategic HR focus is on how HR influences organisational performance. It is about identifying HR priorities from the organisation’s strategy to develop the HR plan (knowledge, skills and abilities) in line with the organisation’s future direction.
Strategic HR offers the HR function the opportunity to act a key partner to the business – in developing broader business acumen, strengthening analytical skills, and optimising talent; hence, contributing on a more strategic level.
New technologies are revolutionising our ways of communicating and our working methods.
The changes extend deep into the structures and processes of companies, with the consequence that “people management” has become particularly important.
HR departments will have to rethink their roles and responsibilities.
Global Studies Reveal Disconnect Between Employees and HR on Key Issues
Recent global research by the ADP Research Institute measured perceptions of employees, HR leaders and other senior leadership on key metrics and found a wide disparity in opinions of various HR functions including benefits administration, talent management, and responsiveness to HR-related inquiries.
“An organization’s success has enormously more to do with clarity of a shared purpose,
common principles and strength of belief in them than to assets, expertise,
operating ability, or management competence, important as they may be” (Dee Hock).
It deals with the practices and policies aimed at formulating objectives and the processes and activities for meeting organisational goals.
Structured governance and business development increase the effectiveness of HR departments by 40%.
In times of uncertainty, High Performing Organisations (HPOs) effectively address new challenges and opportunities, regulatory change and market shifts with new organisational structures, new operating models and new technologies.
HPOs do it by aligning the organisation’s business resources and focus on maintaining cost-efficient operations in an integrated fashion across the organisation, in pursuit of sustainable competitive advantage.
It deals with organisational values, employment practices, codes of ethics and their expression in business decision making and behaviour.
It deals with the social impact of business decisions in the area of corporate governance and sustainability.
Furthermore, research shows organisations that use sustainability strategies to a greater degree are also more likely to be high performers.
There is an increasing pressure on the HR function to be a true business partner and deliver value.
Having business processes that can respond to challenges and opportunities as and when they arise and rapidly execute an enterprise’s business goals, is a prerequisite of success.
This calls for creating operating models that enhance organisational effectiveness, business agility, and performance. Continuous improvements, process streamlining, and technology enablement.
HR business processes – Employee Life-Cycle, Workforce Planning, Performance Management and Development, Compensation, Recruitment, Payroll, Benefits, Time and Attendance.
Strategic workforce planning (gap assessment, and workforce planning tools) is the link between business needs and HR strategy.
Workforce planning is more than just determining headcount numbers and budgets.
Identifying current and future skills gaps is a top HR management function that yields strong business impact.
i4cp research shows that less than 20% of companies believe they’re effective with their strategic workforce planning initiatives.
An effective workforce planning process entails an assessment of talent needs and identifying gaps in capabilities, followed by an action plan specifying what actions are needed to close these gaps.
Adapting the core businesses to meet future challenges, shaping the portfolio in an ongoing way to respond to a changing environment, and building the next generation of businesses.
Organisational change comes in many forms: restructurings, transformations of work processes, and assimilating mergers and acquisitions.
Coping with change in times of uncertainty is one if the greatest challenges facing organisations today.
Adaptability, readiness and flexibility are increasingly important for organisational success.
Implement a comprehensive change management plan to ensure new strategies and approaches are easily understood and quickly adopted throughout the organisation.
When change is well executed, it can lead to improvements in productivity, innovation, customer care and engagement.
However, many change initiatives fail and yield new problems in addition to those it was trying to solve.
Strategic HR needs to be pursued, by implementing the initiatives within them.
This is essentially a project management task.
Integrated implementation plans which draw from the traditional project management disciplines, but also reflect correlations and lead-lag relationships between desired strategy outcomes and intermediate objectives.
Strategy deployment entails the effective project management of its various elements – the projects, owners, timelines, resource inputs, outputs and outcomes.
Improving employee facing HR systems can make an HR department nearly 20% more effective.
Evaluate your technology platform to ensure you are taking advantage of the most modern tools available to drive down costs and improve service delivery.
Systems & Platforms
HR Management System
Job Board / Search Engine
Assessment System
Candidate Relations Management
Career Management System
Compensation Management System
Competency Management System
Enterprise Content / knowledge Management
Learning Content Management System
Learning Management System
Onboarding System
Performance Management System
Mobile Learning
Social Learning Platform
Social Software
Talent Acquisition System
Talent Management Suite
Succession Management System
Workforce & Learning Analytics
Workforce Planning System
Only 6% of organisations rate their data analytics skills highly, in driving critical business decisions.
In the near future Big Data Analytics is sure to have a significant impact on business models of many companies.
Innovative products and new revenue streams powered by analytics will come to the market.
Innovative tools that help measure HR and business metrics.
Ensure the organisation manages with metrics by deploying business intelligence and analytics.
We cover best practice in identifying and capturing actionable data and in using business intelligence and analytics to turn data into meaningful insights.
Data Sources
Business and IT Needs
Data Warehousing
Data Governance
Adoption Roadmap
Service Providers
With the advent of the digital age, social media have become the next-generation drivers of business growth.
Establishing and changing company culture on a strategic level can be challenging. Establish an Excel MindSet culture High Performance Organisations (HPOs) pursue an Excel-Mindset culture to address strategic issues across the organisation and pay due attention to cross-functional dependencies in managing risks and opportunities, that impact on the shared outcome to be achieved.
The management of diversity at work focuses at a strategic level on integrating individual differences into the organisation to benefit both the individual and the organisation.
Diversity is a multi-layered concept and organisations may find themselves at different phases in the process of integrating their workforce.
The diversity focus tends to be proactive for an integrated workplace. It is concerned with nurturing and developing potential and focuses on the individual. With that in mind HRI have developed a number of information resources, tools and guides to facilitate integration at every stage.
High Performance Organisations (HPOs) pay attention to workforce diversity, as to ensure employees contribution at their highest possible level and to serve its clients, suppliers, and shareholders.
Diversity brings up awareness, knowledge and skill to facilitate employees to contribute with maximum efficiency.
Individuals with different experiences, backgrounds and attitudes bring different perspectives and ideas to the organisation.
The Diversity Discipline & Best Practice deals with the differences and similarities that make individuals unique, such as individual and organisational characteristics, values, beliefs, experiences, backgrounds, preferences and behaviours, as well as how organisations can leverage those qualities in support of business objectives.
Is about finding new ways of doing things in the workplace – the design and adoption of new practices, new structures, new relationships (team working, decision making and problem solving and up-skilling) and ideas in the development of products and services as well as operations and processes, as enablers of change and productivity improvements. It is in a company’s processes, operations, organisational structures, and business models that innovation can truly become a differentiator.
Organisations already have what they need to unleash the productivity and innovation within.
They simply need to find new and better ways to tap into their creativity and potential by engaging more effectively their greatest asset, their PEOPLE.
This demands a corporate culture which is marked by individual responsibility, creativity, and transformation, as to perceive new interrelationships, and integrate differing viewpoints.
It deals with maintaining a positive and productive work environment. It includes the processes of developing, implementing, and accessing the employer-employee relationship and resolving workplace disputes.
Alternative dispute resolution
Organisations are characterised by constant interactions between their employees. Inevitably, while most interactions are cooperative, on occasion workplace conflict can emerge. Conflict at work can take various forms including personal, professional or values differences, difficulty in adapting to change or meeting performance requirements and inappropriate behaviours. In recent years the concept of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) has been introduced by organisations to modernise or strengthen workplace conflict management procedures.
Organisations are under increasing pressure to improve performance and maximise the contribution of every employee – since employee engagement and satisfaction drive innovation, growth, and productivity.
Many studies have linked employee engagement and satisfaction to workforce performance, customer satisfaction, productivity, absenteeism, and turnover.
We cover best practice for designing and implementing engagement initiatives.
Employee Engagement
A measurement of an employee’s emotional commitment to an organisation; amount of discretionary effort an employee expends on behalf of the organisation
Employee engagement is an attractive business proposition to improve individual and organisational performance.
International research shows that a higher level of employee engagement is directly linked to increased in profit, higher customer satisfaction, productivity and employee retention, less absenteeism and better morale at work.
Employee engagement entails a corporate culture that recognises and rewards high-performing employees, and ensuring career development opportunities.
Top 10 Employee Engagement Conditions
1. The work itself: 76%
2. Relationships with co-workers: 76%
3. Opportunities to use skills and abilities: 74%
4. Relationship with immediate supervisor: 73%
5. Contribution of work to organisation’s business goals: 71%
6. Autonomy and independence: 69%
7. Meaningfulness of job: 69%
8. Variety of work: 68%
9. Organisation’s financial stability: 63%
10. Overall corporate culture: 60%
Employee Satisfaction
A measurement of an employee’s “happiness” with current job and conditions; however does not measure how much effort willing to expend
Top 10 Contributors to Employee Job Satisfaction
1. Job security: 63%, for the fourth consecutive year, as the top most important determinant of job satisfaction. (67% of employees are very satisfied or satisfied with their job security.)
2. Opportunities to Use Skills and Abilities: 62%. (74% are satisfied or very satisfied in their workplace.)
3. Organisation’s Financial Stability: 55%. (63% are satisfied or very satisfied.)
4. Relationship with Immediate Supervisor: 55%. (73% are satisfied or very satisfied.)
5. Compensation: 54%. (61% are satisfied or very satisfied.)
6. Benefits: 53%. (65% are satisfied or very satisfied.)
7. Communication between Employees and Senior Management: 53% (54% are satisfied or very satisfied.)
8. The Work Itself: 53%. (76% are satisfied or very satisfied.)
9. Autonomy and independence: 52%. (69% are satisfied or very satisfied.)
10.Management’s Recognition of Employee Performance: 49%. (57% are satisfied or very satisfied.)
To influence, motivate and enable others to contribute toward the effectiveness and success of the organisation
In recent years, surveys have revealed that CEOs fear a shortage of leaders across the globe will impede their plans for growth.
This Discipline & Best Practice deals with identifying and preparing tomorrow’s executive leadership teams to lead the organisations into the future.
Leaders are faced with an ever-changing external environment and increasing regulation for how business is done.
Within the organisation’s diverse, multi-layered internal environment, leaders are required to make decisions faster.
The traditional, hierarchical models of leadership are not as relevant today.
Executive & High Potential Development
Identify and develop the capabilities that enable high potential leaders to deliver on business objectives.
Our reports help you understand how leading organisations structure their executive development programs.
Establishing critical leadership competencies – skills, behaviours, and role requirements – is essential to identify leadership and succession gaps, as well as integration, and implementation best practices.
Pedler’s 11 Qualities of a Successful Leader – (click to enlarge)
Establish leadership competencies into the future, and link those competencies to an integrated HR model that reflects the company’s strategic planning processes
Ensure that a solid competency management model and system is at the foundation of your people development strategy.
Performance management is one of the most critical issues organisations face.
Organisations are under increasing pressure to achieve performance improvements and maximise the contribution of every employee.
A more strategic approach to managing performance has been developed which integrates individual objectives with those of the organisation and recognises and develops the capabilities of staff.
However, many companies simply implement complicated technology solutions without solving process-related problems.
Research has shown that fewer than 26% of organisations have enterprise-wide performance management.
The importance of performance management as a critical pillar of HR practice has forced more and more organisations in introducing a High Performance Workplace (HPW) framework.
Research has shown that a team can achieve better, faster results than the sum of the individual members.
Teams help improve productivity, and foster innovation, and creativity.
It all boils down to culture, leadership, and employee engagement.
There are many solutions and techniques to drive a high-performance team culture.
Productivity is a measure of how much value individual employees add to the goods or services that the organization produces. The greater the output per individual, the higher the organization’s productivity.
From an HR perspective, employee productivity is affected by ability, motivation, and quality of work life.
According to i4cp surveys, improving employee productivity is one of the most important people-management issues, with almost nine out of 10 participants predicting that the issue will grow in importance over the next decade.
Our research will guide you in implementing an effective performance management process.
Effective workplace communication is an essential part of any high-performance company and research has revealed that communication and financial performance correlate and that companies which excel at communication are more likely to engage and retain employees and achieve higher productivity.
Coaching and mentoring have become an effective approach for leadership development, performance management, and strategy execution.
Knowledge Management develops systems and processes to acquire and share intellectual assets.
It increases the generation of useful, actionable and meaningful information and seeks to increase both individual and team learning.
High Performance Organisations (HPOs) develop a learning-oriented culture where knowledge is shared.
Knowledge management (KM) supports improved productivity and financial performance when knowledge is routinely shared, and utilised by employees to create unique core competencies and lead to superior results.
Companies worldwide agree that it’s becoming increasingly challenging to find the talent needed to grow their organisations.
They also agree that keeping valued employees after they’ve joined the workforce can be even more difficult.
Employer branding helps organisations promote their culture, differentiators, and reputation for the purposes of attracting quality talent.
Training and career development activities are designed to help an organization meet its skill requirements and to help its employees realize their maximum potential.
Employee Retention = Employer Equity = (Retention Equity + Value Equity + Brand Equity)
This Discipline & Best Practice deals with strategies, tactics and processes for sourcing, recruiting, hiring and retaining top talent needed to support business objectives.
It includes pre-employment screening, retention strategies, recruitment technologies, and recruitment process outsourcing, for ensuring stability and improving the bottom line.
Hiring & Onboarding
Fine-tuned hiring and onboarding integration are essential for creating an engaging experience.
Pre-hire Assessment
Hiring the right people and putting them into the right jobs drives performance, engagement and productivity.
Screening & Interviewing
Screening & assessments are key elements of any integrated talent acquisition strategy.
Sourcing & Recruiting
In the face of tight budgets, employers rely more on cost-effective sourcing methods like company websites, social networks, employee referrals, and their employer brand.
Career Development
High-performing organisations focus more on building internal talent pools rather than external recruiting.
They follow a career management approach that aligns employee career desires with organisational talent needs.
Career Development and opportunity are key drivers in both satisfaction and engagement – Opportunity to develop new skills and knowledge.
While promotions are great, providing opportunities to expand expertise, learn about new areas of the company, etc can be strong motivators.
Competency Development
Planning for future needs especially challenging for employers. Competency development is the backbone of performance management and leadership development. Mapping key competencies for candidates and understanding which techniques yield the best results is a key consideration for the integration of hiring with the rest of the talent function.
Employee training and Development
It deals with improving organisational effectiveness and training employees to meet current and future job demands.
Organisations with strong learning cultures are nearly 60% more likely to be first to market and 20% more likely than their peers to be market share leaders.
Learning Measurement – A learning measurement strategy is essential for aligning and improving the business effectiveness of training investments.
Most employees see the benefit of learning and development, but communicating the value of those benefits is not nearly as effective as it could be.
Learning Administration
Learning Content Development
Learning Delivery
Learning Measurement
Learning Process Outsourcing
Learning Analytics
Integrating the components of talent management is critical to business success.
Research shows that high-performance organisations place much greater emphasis on talent management.
i4cp has surveyed how high-performance organisations approach talent management (TM) and Integrated Talent Management (ITM).
Integrate talent processes from workforce planning to talent acquisition, goal setting, performance management, training, development, retention and succession planning.
Organisations with integrated talent management are 30% more effective in engaging their employees and have only 1% turnover rate among their high performers.
Compensation & Benefits
It deals with the various forms of employees’ pay that employers use to attract, recognise and retain workers.
It includes designing and administering compensation systems including base pay, differential and incentive pay, and overtime and alternative compensation options, including bonuses, non-cash benefits, and “total rewards” packages.
It also deals with the various forms of indirect employee compensation; the benefits.
(click to enlarge)
Develop engaging compensation plans
With salary budgets tight, controlling costs while retaining quality employee benefits is an ongoing challenge for HR. Offering the right benefits will help firms strengthen their employer brand.
Keeping up to date with emerging trends in compensation helps organisations maintain a competitive edge.
Identify talent retention gaps
With diminishing talent pools, many employers are working to identify and address the elements that support employee retention.
Work-life balance and flexibility to enhance job satisfaction and improve productivity
Work-life balance and flexibility are having a profound impact on businesses.
Offering wellbeing initiatives and flexible working arrangements and telecommuting options are inexpensive and effective means for improving productivity, engagement, recruitment, and retention.
Succession planning
Research reveals that effective succession planning pays off and has a positive correlation with employee retention, and often contribute to lower costs per new hire.
Your future is in the hands of your workforce.
But how do you take them to the next level?
The future value of human assets can be unsure.
Performance may change with a time, the job core activities may need to be redesigned, and there might be unexpected demand for skills that employees do not possess.
In recent years many organisations adopt a more strategic, future-oriented and integrated HR approach and there are a number of important trends now evident in this field.
The need to deliver real business focused results is essential, and both individuals and organisations have higher expectations.
Success will depend more and more on the value of intangible human capital.
This capital may be the creativity of their designers (Intel Corp), the proficiency of their software architects (Sun Microsystems) the knowledge of marketers (Procter & Gamble Co), and even the strength of the internal culture (Southwest Airlines).
HR professionals of the future will be at the front of the “C-Suite“ and HR professionals who understand the human side of business as it relates empowering organisations are going to be well rewarded.
Understanding critical business processes will enable HR professionals of the future to become true business leaders.
For most organisations, people are the greatest asset and also the biggest cost.
Therefore, they must be fully utilized as critical investments in an organisation’s future.
As business analytics and HR metrics evolve, we encounter an increased focus on measurement and performance accountability.
Agility, simplicity, and thinking in terms of networks will determine successful business actions of the future.
Shorten the critical path to growth
In business there are barriers to growth- erosion of market share, legislation change, poor profitability, threatening technology – some are external, other are internal, both hindering performance.
Barriers can be moved… and you have to do the moving.
Our role is to partner you in that mobilising process, in a new direction that may conflict with the current mindset of your organisation.
In an increasingly volatile global environment, we enable high performance by helping companies identify the practices and strategies that make a positive impact on the organisation and deliver business results.
We deploy a multi-functional team, tools and processes to accelerate the transfer of high-performance ideas to your organisation.
Strategy Execution and Alignment
Successful strategy execution poses real challenges for many firms.
Changes in the business environment occur at a speedy pace, and the ability to execute strategy depends on how fast they respond to those changes.
It includes the strategic planning process and the process of aligning the human capital management plan with the strategic plan.
(click to enlarge)
Management Tools
HR can and should play a key role in helping companies realise their goals, through active involvement in influencing employee behaviour, such as rewards, learning, and performance management, to help strategy execution and alignment.
A workplace attitude where problem-solving, teamwork, and leadership result in the ongoing improvement in an organisation.
To leverage operations to achieve business growth, the first step is to understand what Operational Excellence really is, and then how we achieve it.
Operations transform resources to create and deliver value to customers.
Two or more connected operations constitute a process. The process involves focusing on the customers’ needs, keeping the employees positive and empowered, and continually improving the current activities in the workplace.
Excellence is measured against standard or prescribed indicators of effectiveness, efficiency, environmental responsibility, and regulatory compliance. Each and every employee can see the flow of value to the customer, and fix that flow before it breaks down.
Operational Excellence calls for a framework and standard tools, techniques, policies, and practices to improve how we manage business processes in ways that will improve operational performance and agility.
HR can play a significant role in developing a customer-focused workforce; offering product knowledge, training support, and by encouraging employees to solve customers’ problems are examples of effective strategies to make the workforce more customer-centric and deliver exceptional experience.
The sourcing and procurement function has become more strategic over the years.
Today, it delivers significant business value through strategic sourcing and third-party spend optimisation.
Organisations leverage offshore resources, category expertise, and operating models with lower fixed costs.
Develop an optimised sourcing strategy – in-house, shared service, outsource, offshore, for non-core activities to realize cost-savings and focus on core strategic milestones.
Corporate Restructuring in all forms are undertaken in pursuit of becoming more adaptive and resilient in the face of financial, competitive, and economic pressures.
Make strategic mergers, acquisitions, or divestitures to optimise product portfolios and provide cost and operating synergies
Mergers and acquisitions are far more challenging than most companies anticipated, and the expected synergies may never be realised. Merger integration calls for organization restructuring, enhanced internal communications to address cultural integration, a shared decision-making system, talent management, compensation incentives, and robust employee and customer retention tactics.
Whether it is conducting due diligence, implementing transition plans, or integrating cultures, our resources can have a positive impact and deliver sustainable results.
Alliances and joint ventures serve many purposes, including filling gaps in capabilities or facilitating new market entry.
Successful companies rebalance their portfolios, thinking about which businesses to grow and which to divest, as to avoid earnings dilution and cash flow demands.
Divestiture programs must be diligently orchestrated, by evaluating divestiture options and value business to be divested.
The Future in the management of transactions, risks and compliance requirements.
The ever-changing needs of the business and its operating environment make it imperative for organisations to continuously reassess their core processes, and especially those that pertain to their people matters.
As companies gain more experience with the outsourcing and shared services practice, the list of HR functions being outsourced is expanding.
With an increasing emphasis on achieving value for money, changes in work patterns, advances in technology and ensuring continuous improvement, organisations take advantage of Outsourcing Shared Services Solutions.
Outsourcing involves shifting activities that were previously carried out within a firm or public authority to an outside company (the ‘contractor’) which can do them more cost effectively.
This is a broad definition describing outsourcing as an end state, but also a process which incorporates ongoing contract management and often the transfer of staff and assets.
Outsourcing is often a major strategic decision that can have implications for the entire organisation.
Outsourcing contractors operate more as partners providing services on behalf of a business.
They are in effect an extension of a company, a business relationship sometimes referred to as the ‘extended enterprise’.
Interest in shared services is rising, driven by the need to gain more value and constrain costs out of organizations, both public and private. But driving down costs is only one of the reasons for adopting a shared services approach.
Our HR outsourcing shared services practice enables you place your HR processes in our expert hands so you can focus on aligning your human capital to achieve your business goals.
The HR Administration & Transactional Outsourcing / Shared Services Knowledge Center helps you identify which areas should remain in-house with insights into payroll, risk and compliance outsourcing, benefits outsourcing, recruitment outsourcing; and training and development outsourcing.
Operational Transaction Support Services that Drive Performance
Organisations need constant compliance support and guidance, to remain compliant and updated with changes in the HR legal system.
HR administration, payroll processing, benefits administration and auto enrollment and risk and compliance management are key New-Era-of-Workplace enablers with the highest value and strategic relevance that:
Close functional gaps
Strengthen core operations
Significantly reduce costs & improve operational efficiency
Enhance overall business objectives
Reduce the financial impact of your HR function
Organisations need to consider the total cost of their workforces. The Total Cost of Ownership (TCO), consolidates spending on employees plus the management of those employees. However, many organisations fail to calculate the TCO, that includes costs associated with:
Payroll processing
Risks and compliance management
Managing salaries and benefits
Time and attendance
Talent management
The systems and processes to support all of this activity
HRI offers operationally focused support and advice on the integration process across the HR transaction life cycle – by centralising, standardising and automating aspects of the transaction processes where it makes sense – to meet regulatory and accounting requirements.
HR Administration
Payroll Processing
Risk & Compliance Management
Benefits Administration
HRI helps you mitigate risks, identify key performance drivers and improve your business outcomes.
HRI helps you evaluate opportunities, improve transactions and achieve your strategic goals.
Companies can minimise compliance risk and exposure to legal action by adopting strict payroll policies and implementing payroll systems that automatically apply standardised work and pay rules.